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G-20 Summit : Preparations for G-20 meetings begin, Chief Secretary takes officers’ meeting

Raipur News: A meeting of the working group of G-20 countries (G-20 Summit) will be held on 18-19 September 2023 in Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh. To coordinate the administrative arrangements for all the arrangements for the meetings, under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Amitabh Jain, a meeting was organized at Mantralaya Mahanadi Bhavan here today.

During (G-20 Summit) the meeting, the Chief Secretary reviewed the preparations being made regarding the necessary arrangements. The Chief Secretary took information from the officials of Culture, Urban Administration, Nava Raipur Development Authority about the action being taken by them. 

The Chief Secretary instructed the officials to inquire in detail about the 3-3D walk-through regarding the current status of the airport in Nava Raipur to Mayfair Resort and other routes in Nava Raipur and the arrangements to be made for the event.

He instructed to put up hoardings on various routes of Nava Raipur showing the specialty of Chhattisgarh state, archaeological city Sirpur, Chitrakot waterfall, forest and mineral wealth and industrial development along with other important information related hoardings including the glorious culture of Chhattisgarh.

The Chief Secretary instructed the officers of the Urban Administration Department to transfer the airport to Mayfair Resort Road, old G.E. Instructions have been given to complete beautification and decoration of roads, VIP and other routes and other necessary works soon.

The officials of the Culture Department have been instructed to make necessary preparations from now itself to organize cultural programs based on folk dance, music and culture of Chhattisgarh for the foreign delegates coming to the G-20 meetings.

He has given instructions to rehearse the cultural programs to be organized. While doing the final rehearsal at the main stage venue, instructions have been given to ensure that the final rehearsal is done before the security takeover. Similarly, instructions were given to make preparations for planting saplings by foreign visitors at suitable places for the G-20 garden.

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